Thursday, January 26, 2012

Small Project Updates

In between the larger drainage projects we have done some smaller projects as well.  These small projects have the potential to make just as much impact as some of the larger ones.  I have included a few snapshots of some of the smaller areas that we have addressed in the past week.

 #12 Approach

The approach area in from of #16 would always puddle.

2 new catch basins installed

These 2 new drains should eliminate puddles.

With more and more of the problem areas having new drainage installed we can really focus on smaller areas that have always been a problem.  This winter has been mild and his given us a great oppurtunity to address many problems on the golf course. 

#13 White Tee

More drainage added around #13 White Tee

#13 Runoff Control Ditch

Readjusted slope of drain ditch on right side of #13

The fix to drain ditch on #13 was a 2 day project that will make a large impact on cutting down the amount of surface drainage that was allowed to cross over the path and flood the fairway.  The changes to this ditch involved increasing the height of the berm towards the back of the ditch and resloping the entire length of the ditch to allow maximum flow.  This fix appears to be working nicely after the last 2 inch rain event.

#7 White Tee Steps

Fix to #7 Tee steps. 

The new slope up to #7 white tee.

The old and rotten crosstie steps that used to lead up to #7 tee box have been removed.  We stripped the sod from the entire bank and used the dirt removed from drain trenches to recontour the side of this tee.  This has resulted in a much milder slope up to the tee and no need for any dangerous steps.

Facility Signs

Club signage has been repainted.

All of the signs around the club have been taken inside and refurbished.  This included pressure washing, sanding, and wood putty helped put the sign back to original form.  A fresh coat of Kenmure's signature colors have been applied to the signs and they have been put back in place around the club's facilties.

Misc Drain Fixes

#8 right side fairway past pond 

#9 approach

French drains that were installed in the past few years that were not left open to the surface have seen decreased functionality and have been reopened to the surface with gravel.

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