Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January Wrap-Up

Just heard on the news we may have had the warmest January in the last 6 years.  I am most certain it was the most productive.  The total amount of drainage we have finished has reached 3600 linear feet.

Our latest project is on #17 fairway.  We are putting 575 feet of drains in the landing area of this fairway.  In addition we are fixing the right side rough surrounding the green.  The ditch is being raised up in elevation and will be much less severe.

A view from the tee of our lastest drainage project.

Plywood helps us keep things clean and protects the fairway.

We knew we would have plenty of dirt from the trenches on #17 so it made the choice to renovate the greens complex an easy one.  The original drain pipe has been located and three catch basins will be attached.  This area will be regraded and will continue to slope slighty toward the creek for surface drainage.  The V shaped area the existed in the past will be gone.

A look a the fill dirt from the fairway.

Replacing the sod and finishing up on #17 fairway.

So the question is whats next on the agenda?  We have 2 smaller drains to complete on #2 and #3 fairway.  This will complete the drainage we will be doing for this winter.  We will then shift our focus towards edging and repairing bunkers, cleaning and edging landscape beds, mulching and pruning.  We are also contructing new tee markers and continuing to refurbish outdoor furniture.

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