Thursday, January 26, 2012

On a Roll!

 Drainage Project Report
January 26, 2012

The weather in January has been very mild.  So mild in fact that we are going to easily finish all the promised drainage projects that were discussed with the Greens Committe back in the fall of 2011.  The decision to keep all the maintenance employees over the winter had really paid off for the club.  The amount of drainage we have been able to accomplish should increase the playabilty of many areas of both fairway and rough throughout the golf course.  We still have the entire month of February to continue with drainage and other needed projects.  I won't spill the beans on where we are going after number one is finsihed, but when you find out I am sure you will be pleased.

Current Project on #1

We are currently working on hole #1.  Drainage issues are being addressed in the upper left portion of the fairway.  This area stayed wet for most of the season.  The improvements we are making will make this area much better.  The first phase of this project was 296 ft.  This phase was finished yesterday and we are moving to complete the entire porject by the end of the week.

New drains in the approach on #1.

Clearly a very wet area.

Catch basins will immediatly drain any surface water.

A wide view of Phase 1 with Phase 2 in progess.

Our first drainage project began in early december and half of the staff had never installed a french drain or a catch basin.  We were not even sure if our old ditch digging machine would even be up to the task of completing the first project.  Today we are installing drainage like a well oiled machine and are completing projects at a very satisfying rate.

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