Friday, September 8, 2023

Course Conditions Report


Executive Summary:

The current period is one of extraordinary stress for the golf course, characterized by a prolonged drought, high temperatures, and sporadic rainfall. These climatic factors have manifested in visible brown spots across the greens, fairways, and roughs. Additional challenges include pest damage, specifically from white grubs, and an outbreak of Dollar Spot disease. Mechanical issues with our irrigation system and the absence of a functioning tractor for aeration have compounded these challenges.

Detailed Observations:

Weather Conditions:

  • We are in the midst of a small drought, having received only 1.5 inches of rain over the last 25 days.
  • Experienced 16 days with zero rainfall, followed by a 1.5-inch downpour, and currently are in a stretch of nine more days without rain.
  • Late August and early September have seen higher than average temperatures.

Turf Health:

  • Brown spots are apparent around greens, on fairways, and in the roughs.
  • Some greens are beginning to show signs of burn around the edges, although their overall condition remains fair.

Pest & Disease Management:

  • Notable white grub damage exacerbated by crows seeking to eat the grubs.
  • An outbreak of Dollar Spot occurred after the solitary rain event, affecting the greens, tees, and fairways.

Mechanical Issues:

  • Currently operating at half pumping capacity due to issues with our irrigation system.
  • A tractor essential for fairway and rough aeration has been out of service but is expected to be replaced next week.


Mitigation Measures:

  • Labor Day weekend was used for spraying the fairways for Dollar Spot, while the greens and tees were sprayed the prior Thursday and Friday, respectively.
  • A new tractor has been acquired, enabling us to catch up on deferred aeration tasks across the fairways and roughs.
  • We continue to maintain the greens at a higher height of cut, presently at .160 inches, to be reduced as temperatures fall.

Upcoming Interventions:

  • Chemical treatment for the severe Dallisgrass infestation on the driving range is planned for the upcoming weeks.


While the current weather conditions have been less than ideal, creating a range of challenges, remedial measures are in place. A comprehensive aeration schedule and overseeding treatments are planned for the immediate future. It is essential to acknowledge that course conditions are not just a reflection of current practices but also of our resource limitations earlier in the year.

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