Saturday, January 28, 2017

#6 Red/White Tee Renovation

The second week of our tee renovation project started off on hole #6.  This tee had two tiers and was very narrow and uneven.  It is now a single tier tee box that is level with a greater width.  

We reuse all sod except some of the tee sod that has divots or crabgrass.

Demetrio is finishing the grade.

Root zone mix is being distributed evenly.

This tee is now ready to have the sod reinstalled.

Sod installation underway.

Finished view from the back.

Finished view from the front.

Irrigation system is winterized, good thing we have some ponds.

Making sure the sod will be happy/

Thank you for playing from the Glenroy tees while we complete the work.

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