Monday, January 30, 2017

#12 Red/White Tee Renovation

Week 2 renovations wrapped up with the red/white tee on #12.  This tee was changed to remove the wasted space caused by its two tier construction.  We left the front of this tee unchanged and leveled the rear portion to blend in with what remained.

After the rough grade was completed

Getting close to to the finish grade here.

Sod work coming along nicely.

#13 white/gold tee has been harvested for use, we will rebuild it next week.

Finishing off a good week with some water.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

#7 Blue/Gold Tee Renovation

Week 2 of the tee renovations continues with #7 Blue/Gold Tee.  We are splitting up what was a very large and long stretch of tee surface.  We are also eliminating any tee surface on the sloping part of the tee, as well as the small plateau that was in the middle of the tee.  When completed there will be three separate tees in place of the original.

Removing the small plateau and leveling the tee. 

The sloping transition area will now be rough grass.

Finish grade and ready for mix.

Replacing the sod, recycled from this tee and other areas.

These guys have handled lots of sod in the past 2 weeks.

Making sure none of this sod dries out, we want a quick heal.

A view of the new blue/gold tee on #7

This is the front of the new alternate blue tee.

Front left view

Front right view

Saturday, January 28, 2017

#6 Red/White Tee Renovation

The second week of our tee renovation project started off on hole #6.  This tee had two tiers and was very narrow and uneven.  It is now a single tier tee box that is level with a greater width.  

We reuse all sod except some of the tee sod that has divots or crabgrass.

Demetrio is finishing the grade.

Root zone mix is being distributed evenly.

This tee is now ready to have the sod reinstalled.

Sod installation underway.

Finished view from the back.

Finished view from the front.

Irrigation system is winterized, good thing we have some ponds.

Making sure the sod will be happy/

Thank you for playing from the Glenroy tees while we complete the work.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Gold/White Tee Renovations Begin

This week was the start of a much needed renovation of the gold/white tee boxes.  Most of the white tee boxes that also contained the gold tees were too small and many of them not very level.  We are revisiting all these tee locations this winter and making some much needed improvements.  The pictures below are from the first week of this renovation project that began on January 16, 2017.  The weather was beautiful with most days reaching into the mid 60's.

Regrading the white/gold tee on #2.  The new tee has %40 more teeing surface and is level.

Stripping the sod from the white/gold tee on #4.  This is the first step in the process.

The finish grade on #2 before root zone mix and sod.

Root zone mix (60% sand %20 peat %20 topsoil)

Root zone mix applied and sod being installed on #2.

Finish grade on #8 white/gold tee.

#8 white/gold tee is now double in size and very level.

All the sod installed back on to #2.  Regular mowing will return the shape to the rear of the tee.

Root zone mix and sod installed on #4 white/gold tee.

Sod used in the project is all recycled from other areas of the golf course.

Harvesting tee sod from #7 blue/black tee.  This area will no longer be tee surface in the future.

Sod from #7 being installed on the new white/gold tee on #8.

#8 white/gold tee ready to grow back in.

Topdressing seams and cracks prevents edges of sod from drying out and increases recovery time.

Sod harvested from #2 blue/black tee.

The new #2 black and blue tees.

Winter Work 2017

Its that time of year again!

The 2017 winter project season is upon us.  It looks like we are going to have some great weather.

The 87 Ford is ready for another season!

This fence is recycled from the old 12 Bones location.

Clyde is back in action after being away recovering,

Wood being prepared for new tee markers.

We save around $20 per marker by making them ourselves.

We built a new collection box on the back of the old Chevy.

Dead Oak Trees that needed removal.
I think this area still has too many trees.