Sunday, December 4, 2011

First Drainage Project Complete

Early 80's Model Ditch Witch

We just completed the first drainage project of the season on Saturday afternoon.  We had a few great days of weather and took full advantage of it.  Everything went off without any problems and our equipment and crew worked wonderfully.

On #5 Cartpath looking towards #6 green.

We chose the area between #5 and #6 to start our first project.  We chose this area because it was the ideal spot to check out our ditching equipment and train our crew.  Half the members of the my staff had not been involved in drainage installation prior to this first project.  If we experienced any unforseen problems then this would have been a good area to have disturbed turf compared to a fairway or approach area.

Exit point of the drain.

This project went well and will greatly improve the drainage of that area as well as helping the wetness around the cart path on both those holes.  I am looking forward to starting another project next week when the weather is good. 

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