Tuesday, December 27, 2011

13 Drainage Project - Halfway Point

Rain and Christmas delayed the finish of the the drainage on #13.  We hope to finish it sometime this week before the new year.  I have included some pictures of the trenches we will be filling this week with gravel.  This project measures 950 feet in total length of drain lines.

These three pictures show the upper end of the trenches.  This amount of drainage will eliminate the problems in the area going well into the future. 

A view from the middle and the bottom end of the trenches.  This is the largest amount of drainage in a single area the we have done since I have worked here.  Projects like these need to continue throughout the winter in many different area around the golf course.

800 feet of drainage pipe is sitting at the shop ready to be installed as soon as the ground  drys out a little.  I hope that the mild weather will continue on into January and beyond so we can install drainage in the other needed areas around the golf course.

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