Friday, August 25, 2023

Superintendent’s Report - August 2023


Weather Conditions: During August, the average daily high temperatures range from 83°F to 89°F, with relative humidity reaching 75%. September experiences slightly cooler temperatures, with highs between 78.6°F and 84.2°F and relative humidity at 76%. The combination of high temperatures and humidity can lead to heat stress on the turf, causing plants to shut down and root loss of up to 75-80%.

Watering and Irrigation: To combat heat stress and ensure optimal playing conditions, the current watering schedule aims to provide close to 1 inch of water per week. The golf course employs an automated irrigation system, which is closely monitored to prevent overwatering and maintain appropriate soil moisture levels. Additionally, the course faces the challenge of managing afternoon thunderstorms, which can alter the irrigation plan.

Soil Composition and Drainage: The native soils primarily consist of heavy clay, impacting drainage and easily compacted by cart traffic. This poses challenges in maintaining adequate soil moisture levels and addressing waterlogging issues during rainy periods. In contrast, the greens and tees have a sand-based rootzone mixture, which improves drainage. However, an effort is needed to remove excess sandy soil around the greens and replace it with a more suitable mixture to support healthier root systems.

Turfgrass Health and Challenges: Kenmure Country Club predominantly uses Penncross variety Bentgrass, which is known for its playability but is highly susceptible to Dollar Spot fungus. The peak period of late July and early August puts tremendous pressure on the course, with increased risks of disease outbreaks, insect infestations, and turf damage from high golfer traffic.

Maintenance Activities: To mitigate the challenges posed by heat stress, the height of cut for greens is raised during this period, reducing stress on the turf. Fungicides are applied at 2-week intervals on greens, tees, and fairways to protect against diseases, insects, and nematodes. Summer weeds are managed to minimize their visibility and impact on playability.

Traffic and Wear & Tear: Cart traffic can cause substantial turf damage, especially during periods of excessive heat, humidity, and low soil moisture levels. Fairways 8, 12, 13, 15, and 16 have historically been problematic during the height of summer. Recovery from wear and tear, ball marks, and divots takes longer during this challenging period.

Conclusion and Future Recommendations: The months of August and September pose significant challenges to golf course maintenance at Kenmure Country Club. Strategies to combat heat stress, manage irrigation effectively, and address soil composition and drainage issues are critical to preserving turfgrass health and playability. Future recommendations include prioritizing renovations to improve drainage and reducing sand buildup around greens. Close monitoring of disease and pest pressures, along with a strategic maintenance schedule, will be vital to ensure optimal playing conditions during these challenging months.

By implementing the recommended strategies and adjustments, Kenmure Country Club can continue to offer its members a rewarding golf experience even during the most challenging months for golf course maintenance.


Summary of Golf Course Maintenance Points for August and September at Kenmure Country Club:

  1. Irrigation Management: The irrigation system is used sparingly to prevent the course from becoming too wet, especially during afternoon thunderstorms.
  2. Daily Tee and Pin Changes: Tee markers are moved daily, and pin locations are changed 3-4 times per week based on play volume, ensuring varied play experiences.
  3. Sand Trap Maintenance: Sand traps are raked 3 times a week, adapting the schedule as needed depending on rainfall.
  4. Summer Weed Control: Summer weeds are regularly trimmed and managed to minimize their visibility and disruption to play.
  5. Fungicide Application: Greens, tees, and fairways receive fungicide application at 2-week intervals to protect against diseases, insects, and nematodes.
  6. Fertilization Schedule: Fertilization of greens and tees will be postponed until nighttime temperatures consistently reach the 50's.
  7. Aerification Schedule: Greens Aerification will take place on Sept 18-19.  The golf course will be closed on that Tuesday and reopen the following morning.  Tee Aerification will take place during regular play in the weeks following the greens.  Fairway and Roughs will be completed throughout Oct-Nov.

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