Thursday, March 16, 2017

Bunker renovations on #6

The bunker in front of the green on hole #6 has been redesigned.  We took away the steep slope of sand and shaved off the top of the mound so the green can be visible from inside the bunker and the approach.  I think everyone will enjoy the changes we have made to this bunker.

Digging into the slope revealed mostly sand.

We brought in 10 workman loads of topsoil to rebuild the slope.

The new slope is much less severe with gentle contours.

The top of the slope is much flatter providing a clearer view of the front of the green.

Rough sod is being replaced and stapled in place.

The new edge is cut into the bunker.

A view from the opposite side.

We reused all the original sand.

The end result.

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