Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Bunker Changes on Hole #4

There has been a change to the first fairway bunker on hole #4.  This bunker has been decreased in size to a little under half the size it originally was.  This bunker remains an obstacle for blue tee players, while giving the gold/white tee players a large forgiving grassy area instead of the full size bunker that it used to be.

Sod is removed from around the edges of bunker

Some dirt had to be hauled in, with more added later also.

Mini Excavator regrading the area.

Would love to own one of these for all the tee renovations ahead.

The area is almost ready for sod.

The side of the bunker before compaction.

The side of the bunker after compaction.

Final grade prepped and ready for sod.

Demetrio cutting an edge on the overhanging sod.

Please stay of the sod until it has healed in. Take a free drop for ground under repair.

The finished product.

A view from another angle.

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