Sunday, March 20, 2016

Bunker Renovation Winter 2016

I recently read an article in an industry magazine about the current DIY movement in Golf Maintenance.  We have been DIY since the beginning.  Constructing tees, building bridges, renovating bunkers, installing miles of drainage, and burying our own 3 phase power cables.  All done in house by our maintenance staff.  We have used outside contractors for some very large jobs, but this is few and far between.  We have a talented staff and if given the time and resources we can achieve most anything one would ever need on a golf course.

In mid February we started the final phase of our bunker renovations here at Kenmure.  We had 20 fairway bunkers left to complete before the regular season started.  The weather cooperated with us and in a few short weeks we managed to complete a ton of work, well to be honest it was more like 500 tons of work.

The crew worked very hard and shoveled many, many tons of sand.  It was nice to complete the final leg of this bunker renovation.

Drainage was enhanced in most of the bunkers we refilled.

This is some drainage on the right fairway bunker on #1

4 to 6 inches of fresh sand was added to all the bunkers.

Some bunker renovations involved some reshaping for surface drainage reasons.

Emma finding some shade on an a nice day in February.

Laying the old sod back on #15.

New sod on a reconstructed #18 bunker edge.

Finished bunkers on hole #13 looking great.

17 truckloads of bunker sand averaging 24 tons per load.

The brown sand is the old sand was removed from the bunkers.
All this sand was removed by hand with shovels.

Defining the edges in a bunker that will soon receive fresh sand. 

Hand removal of the old bunker sand.
  The crew is getting back in shape for the Spring.

A look a 3 fresh bunkers on #8 and #1

Waiting for more manual labor.

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