Monday, May 25, 2015

Horticulture Corner

I have been asked how we take care of our Geraniums here at the club. I would like to share a few important tips.

1.  Geraniums can do well in both containers and in the ground, but they will need to have well drained soil.

2.  Geraniums can handle hot and dry conditions, they will need a minimum of 6 hours of full sun.  They do like some afternoon shade on very hot summer days.

3.  It is important to let the soil dry out completely in between watering.

4.  Use a complete soluble fertilizer like Miracle-Gro, use it at the higher end of the label rate on the package.  Geraniums love fertilizer and need it to produce those huge blooms, so fertilize your geraniums about every third watering.

I have also included a PDF file with more information on this beautiful and popular plant.

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