Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Unexpected Repairs

One of the best things about this job is the extra and usually always poorly timed damage from mother nature.

The Monday before the member guest tournament we had a severe thunderstorm on the golf course and received a direct hit on our irrigation system.

 Three holes in the fairway in this location, shattered pipe on the surface of the fairway.
 Lighting struck this iron grate and forked out to hit the pipe.
Small flooding above and under the turf.

More damage in another location from the same strike.

The cover was blown of the control box, damaging components inside.
After surveying all the damage it ended up splitting the irrigation pipe in 3 different areas on hole #6.  Many electronic components inside the control box on #6 were also hit.  The lightning then traveled along the power wires and struck the control box on #2 damaging components inside it as well.  This occurred during our preparation of the golf course for the 2015 Member/Guest tournament.  Great timing!
Pick a spot and start digging

 Exposing the shattered pipe line. This is 3 inch diameter pipe.

The new section is almost ready to be connected.

Control and power wires are usually run with the pipe.

The plumbing is much more fun than the digging.

The old pipe that was removed from this area of damage.

This sprinkler head and pipe was shattered near the fairway bunker on #6

Another look at this hole, the bad section of pipe has been removed.

This pipe shattered at the tee.

Old wires no longer needed from a previous system can sometimes be confusing, but most are a different color thankfully.

Getting closer to being back to normal.