Thursday, January 13, 2011

Course Clippings : February 2011

I have decided to start posting my Course Clippings articles for the newsletter here on the website. This is what I wrote for the February edition of the view.

Course Clippings
Feb 2011

This winter season has started off to be just like last winter. We have already had three large snows this winter. This most recent snow is sticking around right now and we hope for some warmer temperatures and rain to help melt it away. This has put all drainage and tree projects on hold until the snow is clear. We are very pleased we decided to finish the bunker project on #18 in late November as it would be impossible to do anything now. We can't seem to get a break here lately but when we have good weather we are ready to take advantage of it.
I would like to encourage everyone to take a look at our Maintenance Blog. This Blog is an online record that we will use as tool to help communicate our activities to the membership. I intend to use this to help educate the membership on different processes and tasks we preform on the golf course. Small informative videos are being put here to help explain the reasons behind some of our procedures. As time passes and more information gets put onto this site I think it will be something all of our golfing members will enjoy having a look at from time to time.

Go have a look now at

New flags for 2011

Your sneak peek at the new flags for 2011
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Tee Markers

Fresh locust trees have been harvested for new sets of tee markers for 2011.

Christmas Snow Plowing

Ryan and I spent Christmas Day plowing the roads around the club.