Thursday, December 9, 2010

Drainage in the practice green bunker.

Just a short video showing the drainage in the front practice chipping green bunker.

Last weeks rainstorm adds new winter projects

This is a picture of the creek side on hole number 18.  The bank has been cut away by the large amount of water that moved through here during the rain event.  We will be moving large rock from up on the mountain down to this job site and stacking them in against this sheer bank wall to prevent any further erosion.

December and Green!

Many have noticed we are looking greener than usual for this time of year. We did a double fertilizer application this fall to help push the growth of both the root system and help heal in the traffic stressed spots.

Just in case you don't remember what some of the very stressed areas looked like this summer I have included this picture from number 12.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Bunker Washouts

The total rainfall we recieved at Kenmure was 8.5 inches. This was within a 24 hour timespan.  Most of the bunkers on the golf course have been washed and are currently being repaired.

I took a small video demonstrating the contamination that occurs during the washout and how this affects the bunker.