Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rainy Tuesday

Rainfall total at 3:00 pm is 4.7 Inches
Our Weather Station

The large rainfall amount is the perfect way to test the new bunkers on #18.  I am very pleased to report that not only are they draining very well, they are one of the few bunkers that actually have no standing water in them at all.

Irrigation System Winterized & Clubhouse Decorating

Jeremy Myers was our designated ladder man this year.  The clubhouse has been decorated and is looking great.  Make sure you come down this week for some comfort food by the Christmas tree.

Maintenance Updates:

We have winterized the pump station.  All the underground pipes on the golf course have been drained of water for the year.  We do this to prevent and freezing that could occur.  The system is drained through a series of valves that open up pipes for the water to drain into the ponds.  I took a picture of one such pipe on #5.


Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

A couple updates for you to digest along with your turkey.  Both bunkers are now compete on #18.  We are pleased with how these turned out and suspect that they should no longer be a problem.  Our next move will be to fix the bunkers around the practice area.

We have also restored some drainage in between #4 tee and #7 green.  The drains were completely clogged with roots.  I have include a few pics below.

Friday, November 19, 2010

right side bunker complete

Just finished up at 4:00
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Thursday, November 18, 2010

#18 Bunker Renovations

Demetrio cutting sod.
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Bunker Renovation Underway on #18

Hello Kenmure Golfers,

Today we have begun the renovation of the bunkers on #18 green.  These bunkers have been a hot topic at many greens committee meetings in the past and we are here to solve the problem once and for all.

The bunkers are getting a total facelift with triple the amount of drainage and new sand.  The subsurface has also been recontoured to allow for better drainage.  The sand was selected to be as close a match to the Kenmure "Traditional Sand".

I have taken some video and plan on taking more as we complete the project.

More videos are available on our You Tube channel at the following link:

Josh Laughridge